Thursday, September 25, 2014

Confessions Friday--a day early

1. I think I've worn jeans only 4 times this year. For the first five months I wore skirts because I was a missionary, and since I've been back I've grown a fond connection to leggings.  (I can fit way more pairs of leggings in a drawer than jeans anyway. )

2. Every time I go shopping I say at least once, "I would buy that if it were black."

3. I'm was in a predicament as to what color converse I should buy for nearly a year. The colors in the running for this purchase were: classic black because I literally wear black every day. White because it'd be a once contrast to the black that I wear every day. Or maroon because I've had my eyes set on maroon since my sophomore year in high school.

4. I bought white converse because I bought a pink watch.

5. Over half my wardrobe is black and white striped. It's becoming a problem.

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